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Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

This vividly illustrated deck follows the artistic development of tattoo artist and designer Lana Zellner. The 82-card deck includes all of her original tarot art plus four new cards painted specially for this edition. The cards feature art forms and iconic imagery from both tattoo and tarot traditions, all hand drawn and painted using the watercolor painting style of spitshading. 

The 188-page book presents full-color, enlarged illustrations for each Eight Coins card, along with Lana s descriptions and unique tarot insights. 

Set includes: 
82 cards 
188-page full color book 
Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot Rose Spread 

About the Artist 

Lana Zellner is a tattoo artist, painter and designer based in Missoula, Montana. Pulling from her former work as an architect, Lana s tattoo art is focused on line-work, bold design elements and detailed ornamentation. She enjoys incorporating her spiritual interests into her artwork. Lana has been reading tarot cards since she was 12 years old.
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